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V podcastu Petra Crhák Talks se dozvíš vše o koučingu, seberozvoji i o tom, proč je život skvělý!

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Petra Crhák Talks 1. díl

Zjisti, kdo jsem a proč jsem se vydala na cestu nahrávání podcastu. Dozvíš se, proč se zaměřuji na téma koučingu a seberozvoje a co si z mého nahrávání můžeš odnést. Přeji krásný poslech <3 .

Rozhovor VŠEM 

Doktorka Crhák je velmi všestranný člověk, věnuje se projektovému managementu a koučinku. Setkáte se s ní na výuce předmětu Projektový management. Petra věří, že každý může dokázat to, po čem touží. V podcastu přiblíží, proč začala učit a co nejvíc miluje na koučinku.

Rozhovor Leadership Talks

Do dnešního podcastu jsem si přizvala svou kamarádku Petru Crhák, se kterou, jak uslyšíte nás pojí mnoho společného. Naše cesty se neprotly jen díky leadershipu a koučování, ale hlavně máme obě historii z korporátního prostředí, obě pracujeme v prostředí ryze mužském, a máme ho rády.

How do my clients see me?

The biggest reward for me is seeing the progress and development of my clients.

Jiří Malík

Petra Karasová

HR director, eD management group s. r. o.

I have cooperated with Petra Crhák several times in the past as a lecturer of project management courses, facilitator or coach. The feedback on her activities from the employees is always very positive, and as an organizer of these development activities I also evaluate her work as very professional. In her work, Petra excellently combines a detailed specification of the assignment, an impeccably managed process, careful preparation, a business perspective, and a kind and human delivery. I can highly recommend her.

Michala Bohošová

Bára Zedníková

Executive director of Diakonie ČCE, Ostrava

It is a great honor that we are working with such a professional as Petra. In a very humane and gentle way, she gives you space to discover the answers you are carrying within yourself. Petra is human, kind and definitely special. You will want to "take her home" after the supervision is over. 😊

Veronika Kotalová

Service Delivery Manager, Tietoevry Tech Services Czechia s.r.o.

"From the very first meeting with Petra, she will fill you with positive energy, she fully focuses only on you and your needs. Every session brought me several WOW moments and I enjoyed it very much. When I'm not 100% sure which way to go, with the help of the right questions, she always brings me to the desired goal. The environment she has created for her clients is motivating in itself and I enjoy it very much. If you are dealing with something and don't know what to do, definitely contact Petra, I can only recommend it."